Space and time are both continuous in QFT and GR.

So your suppositions are wrong.

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Thanks for another great article. I believe that the concept of continuous space leads to far more absurdities than the concept of granular space. Therefore I tend to favour your opinion that the concept of continuous space, and by extension curved space, does not make much sense. By the way, I think you would enjoy my 'Karma Peny' videos on the halting problem proof.

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you dont get it; just make a square with area equal to that of a circle, simple.

I appreciate your look at the pixels comment, I think I found the curve

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Euclidean and non-Euclidean are mutually exhaustive. You are describing a non-Euclidean and non-Riemannian geometry, and it is probably non-a-few-other-things. Clearer to describe it positively, maybe. A priori, finite, discontinuous, … more?

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